Deep FoamJection


What is Deep Foamjection™ ?


Considered an upgrade to standard concrete raising, Deep Foamjection™ is the process of installing foam deeper to increase the load bearing capacity of the soils. As a tree grows, the roots sprawl out in different directions. It is often suggested to prevent erosion that you plant trees that develop root systems. The root systems grow to intertwine with the dirt and hold it together. DEEP FOAMJECTION™ creates man-made root systems with foam.

This process stabilizes and strengthens the soils mitigating the root causes of a structure, road, or concrete pad from settling. Basic concrete lifting may or may not be a permanent solution since the end results of injecting mud or polyurethane just under a slab and getting lift is only as good as the environment it is sitting on. With Deep Foamjection you are addressing the root cause of the problem at various depths.

• An upgrade to sub-surface concrete lifting
• Repair unstable soils
• Installing a stronger foundation to support slabs and structures that settled
• Foam follows the path of least resistance and will fill weak areas
• Fills fissures and ground voids
• Fills voids holding water & displaces collected water
• Increase load bearing capacity of subgrade
• Permanent repair, foam never changes shape or absorbs ground water
• Foam soaks into the weak soils and then expands, binding the soil and making it solid
• Does not leach chemicals into the ground

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    Box 113a, RR3 LCD Main, Saskatoon SK. S7K3J6

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    306-249-LIFT (5438)