FillFoam |
FillFoam™ is a pre-expanded open cell foam formulated with ideal characteristics for any void filling applications. Pumped at full volume, FillFoam does not lose volume when pumped in confinement. Without the bi-product of heat, FillFoam is a safe and fast way to fill voids and cavities quickly and with limited access. Unlike Polyurethane that is ‘blown’ with a chemical reaction via water or gas, FillFoam is air blown and then the cells are hardened.
- Immune to seasonal changes
- In environments with freezing conditions, FillFoam has air pockets that will absorb expansion from freezing.
- Freezing water can expand by 8%
- In expansive clay environments FillFoam can hold water that can be absorbed back into the soils as needed.
- This can reduce the movement associated with expansive clay soils.
- Safe for the environment
- Does not leach into the ground
- Can absorb unwanted hydro carbons or liquids
- Multiple formulas available to seal or permeate water.
- No Heat is created during installation
- Safe to install at any rate or quantity
- 20 – 60 Cubic yards per hour depending on equipment
- Highly Flowable over 500 ft
- Increases bearing capacity of soils
- An engineered soil replacement.
- FillFoam will not change shape or become over burdened by water.
- Can absorb water from overburdened soils
- Foam disperses loads in all directions, like throwing a rock into water.
- Concrete will only disperse weight down
- Variable densities on demand on site
- Can weigh as little as 3% the weight of soil
- Very Fast to install large quantities
- Great insulation value and sound barrier
Open Celled - Will not prevent or interrupt flow of water
- 30% close celled content. Remaining 70% to pass or absorb water
- Hydro-Insensitive / UV-Insensitive
- Variable Densities of 10-55 PSI on site/same material
- Lightweight & Strong
- FillFoam can be re-excavated if necessary
Visit our Case Studies Section to view some of our more unique projects. |